Given the name, microplastic pollution, or microfiber pollution, may make us think of something small, but it’s actually a pretty massive problem. Small, naked-to-the-eye pieces of plastic are ending up in our environment, oceans, air, and bodies. Fortunately, we can use a Cora Ball to help curb the problem—and it’s as easy as tossing something in with each load of laundry!
What Exactly is Microfiber?
So, what exactly is microfiber? As you may have gathered from its name, microfibers are really small (micro) synthetic fibers. They’re extremely fine and have a diameter of less than 10 micrometers.

Microfibers are most commonly incorporated into cloths and mops. Because of their size and shape, they can reach spaces better than paper towels, making them excellent tools for germ removal. Not only can they capture microbes, but they can also absorb up to 7-8 times their weight in liquid!
However, it’s not all good news with microfibers. These tiny strands of plastic are also found in the majority of our clothes, as most are made with synthetic fabrics like rayon, polyester, acrylic, and nylon. These are released while we wash and dry our clothes—what we most commonly refer to as “dryer lint.”
While dryer lint may not seem like a problem, we should dive in further to know exactly what is wrong with microfiber.
What are Microplastics and Why Are They Harmful?
But first, we should mention that microfibers are also known as microplastics, plastic debris less than five millimeters long.
In fact, you’ve probably heard of microfiber pollution, another way to talk about microplastic pollution.
With microplastics in water, they not only pollute ecosystems, but as they’re so small they’re also easily swallowed by marine life, causing injury or death. Not only that, but they eventually end up in our bodies after we eat fish or salt—or even drink water! Based on recent (and growing) research, more than 386 marine fish species are known to have consumed microplastic. Around 210 of these species are those we commonly eat!
Researchers don’t yet fully understand microplastics' effects on humans, but there is evidence that they damage human cells, by inducing allergic reactions or even leading to cell death. It’s too early to say what the impact of this is on human health, but it can’t be good.
You may have remembered hearing that humans consume roughly a credit card-size amount of plastic every week! This is in large part due to microplastics, and the fact that once they’re in our environment, they’re difficult to get them out.
It’s a good thing then that we can prevent them from entering our environment in the first place.
Cora Ball: End of Microfiber Pollution
This is why a Cora Ball and laundry go hand-in-hand. Everytime we toss a load into the washing machine, an average of nine million microfibers are released into the water, eventually making their way into the oceans.
As a microfiber catching laundry ball, the Cora Ball was the first-ever solution designed to capture the microfibers so that they can be properly disposed of, all while preventing microfibers from breaking off clothes in the first place!
What is the Cora Ball Made Of?
Cora Balls are made of 100% recycled and recyclable soft and stretchy plastic. It’s designed to withstand the temperatures and movement of washers and dryers by retaining its physical and chemical properties over 3+ years of use.
Does the Cora Ball Actually Work?
In addition to washing clothes less, only washing full loads, using cold water, and washing for a shorter period of time, using a microfiber-catching laundry ball is recommended by the EPA as an effective way to reduce the number of microfibers that enter waterways.
And for good reason! An independent test found that the Cora Ball could capture between 26 and 31% of microfibers. This means that if just 10% of US households began using one, it would prevent the equivalent of 30 million water bottles from ending up polluting our waterways.
A Micro Solution to Microfiber Pollution
The Cora Ball is small, adorable, and really easy to use. In fact, there’s no reason why you shouldn’t invest in one! If you’re ready to clean up your laundry routine, we’ve got all the essentials you could need. Check out our Laundry Collection for microfiber catching laundry balls, zero waste laundry detergent, and everything you could need to sustainably fight stains.
Check out our Sustainable Laundry Collection below and use code BLOG10 to save 10% on your first order!
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