For many people, a zero waste lifestyle starts in the kitchen. Not only is this because we spend a lot of time in our kitchens, but also because food waste can be a significant part of a household’s environmental footprint. To help you reduce the amount of food you send to landfill, we’d love to share 8 of the best plastic free food storage products.

Why is it Important to Reduce Food Waste?

There are many reasons a reduction in food waste is a key component of zero waste living. First, the sheer amount of food wasted is reason enough to do our part. In the United States, one-third of all food is wasted every year, according to the EPA

This means that more than 20 tons of wasted food ends up in combustion facilities or landfills each year. As a result, rotting food releases methane, a greenhouse gas far more potent than carbon dioxide. You’ve probably heard that if food waste were a country, it would be the world’s third largest emitter

So, to save food, money, and our planet, you can store food properly (in zero waste food storage containers) to extend its life. 

What is the Best Way to Store Food Without Waste: 8 Plastic-Free Products

1. Green Eco Dream Beeswax Food Wraps

Made with organic cotton, beeswax, jojoba oil, and tree resin, these food wraps are a far more sustainable alternative to conventional cling wrap. They can be used to store nearly anything—from a sandwich, to an avocado, to a bowl that needs covered. 

2. Bee’s Wrap Plant-Based Food Wraps

Don’t worry—vegan food wraps are available, too! Like their beeswax-based counterparts, these can be used to store fruit, vegetables, bread, sandwiches, and more. Unlike the non-vegan variety, however, they’re coated with sustainably-harvested candelilla wax. 

If you make your own bread, or get zero waste bread from a local bakery, be sure to try their Large Bread Wrap. After many food storage uses, the wraps are fully biodegradable. Bee’s Wrap is a Certified B Corp, too! 

3. ECOlunchbox Bento Lunch Box

In addition to keeping food fresh while on-the-go, these stainless steel and plastic free food storage containers are also a perfect way to stash leftovers or preserve meat, cheese, and fruits, and vegetables until they’re ready to be eaten. 

You won’t have to worry about potential toxins like BPA, BPS, or phthalates either! 

4. Stasher Bag Bundle

Made of 100% food-grade silicone, this kit of 4 Stasher bags is a sustainably superior choice to plastic ziploc bags. For larger food products or a significant amount of leftovers, there’s also a Reusable Silicone Stand-Up Bag. As one of the best zero waste products to have on hand, they’ll work for storing snacks, meals, leftovers, produce, meat, and more. 

Even better, they can also be used in boiling water, or the freezer, microwave, or oven. You won’t have to worry about your food coming into contact with BPA, BPS, lead, latex, or phthalates. They’re dishwasher-safe, too! 

Truly zero waste, once your bags can store-no-more, they can be sent back to Stasher to be responsibly recycled into playground pebbles. 

5. Marley’s Monsters Rolled Unpaper Towels

Paper towels can be used to soak up extra moisture, which extends the life of most produce for up to a week. Instead of using the disposable version, however, you can turn to reusable paper towels, one of the most effective zero waste products to curb food waste. 

Not only will they save you money over time, but being made of organic cotton means that your fruit and veggies won’t come into contact with fertilizer and pesticide residues. When they can’t be used for food any more, they can work as cleaning wipes or go in the compost bin. 

6. Full Circle Home Fresh Air Compost Bags

Sometimes, you’ll want to store food that can no longer be eaten, but can be sent to a commercial composting facility to prevent food waste. This is where compost bags come in handy! 

Used with or without a countertop compost collector (or freezer), they’ll keep food scraps tidy until your compost collection day. The bags are made of BPI certified compostable materials and have a lemon scent to keep odors at bay. 

7. Eco Bags Reusable Produce Bags

These sustainably sourced, organic cotton bags make shopping for produce easier—and storing them, too! The breathable GOTS-certified fabric is a perfect zero waste option for fruits and veggies as they’ll help to keep them fresh longer. 

For nuts, flour, coffee, and dried goods, they also have Reusable Cotton Produce Bags with fabric that’s not as breathable. At the end of their life, the bags can be composted—unlike conventional produce bags which can’t even be recycled! 

8. Food Huggers Reusable Silicone Food Savers

Sometimes, eating an entire apple, lemon, or avocado just isn’t practical—but neither is one that turns brown or dries out after being stored in the fridge. Fortunately, there are silicone food savers that can be used to cover cut bananas, tomatoes, grapefruit, cucumbers, and more. 

They even offer specific options for certain foods, like the Butter Hugger (for sticks of butter) and Avocado Food Huggers (for a second half of an avocado).

The silicone is free of phthalates and BPA and is dishwasher, microwave, and freezer safe. 

How Can I Reduce My Food Waste?

Next time a friend or family member turns to a plastic sandwich bag or plastic cling wrap, remind them that there are many zero waste products that can do the job!

Not only do the sustainable products mentioned above store food in a safer, more convenient and economical way, but they’ll help to preserve food and reduce food waste. Check out more of Green Eco Dream’s collection for a sustainable, zero waste kitchen and use code BLOG10 to save 10% on your order!


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